In an effort to woo Andy into becoming her new client, Caroline steals him a new house!
12/10/2014 10:54:39 am
Lotus Prince
12/10/2014 11:14:01 am
I got a real kick out of the Rickhead's video. It reminds me of the time when people wouldn't shut up about how the wall behind the Nostalgia Critic became white. :-D
12/10/2014 11:19:10 am
Hey what about when he switched to the blue wall, that totally jumped the shark.
12/10/2014 01:59:37 pm
Also, Douchebag Dave playing himself again.
12/11/2014 07:14:09 am
Hey at least I get paid to be an asshole on the Internet. Sure beats doing it for free, you insufferable prick.
12/11/2014 07:52:42 am
Are you ever not going to fall for that?
Bruce MacLeod
12/11/2014 12:00:18 pm
Yeah, you get paid for this...because you're Brad's friend.
12/11/2014 12:54:42 pm
I highly suggest it. It's actually quite fun.
12/10/2014 10:04:42 pm
Similarly, all the comments/criticisms Linkara received about his bookshelves.
12/11/2014 03:35:05 am
I'd love to see the Rickhead get his own "critic", who refers to him as "Prickhead".
12/10/2014 11:26:50 am
That was Spoony doing the Plinket impression? Wow, that was really good. I didn't even recognize him until I saw the credits.
12/10/2014 11:54:58 am
Did Noah use some type of voice manipulation software? I say this because it was spot-on and if that was merely an impression then it was even more impressive. Mr. Trinkett of Red Scare Media was quite amusing to me for some reason.
12/10/2014 12:16:10 pm
oh yay soon there will be more reviewers then 80's dan
12/12/2014 04:44:02 pm
Loved that scene so much! she kinda changed expression at the last second, so that could have been cut off, but it was great.
12/10/2014 12:20:21 pm
It's nice to see Jillian again!
12/11/2014 04:18:11 am
Correction: the Noble Mouse King. Nobody bows down to a rat!
Pinkie Pie
12/10/2014 12:42:43 pm
that last bit with Jeff and Michelle made me smile, I like their little moments in this show like when he made her laugh and now leaving the review open for her, I don't know I find them adorable. <3
12/10/2014 01:32:00 pm
Well they did just mention she has a twin sister which may mean that she is going to get killed off and replaced with her twin after they have a threesome with Andy.
12/10/2014 01:43:38 pm
Jillian's titties would be a great deal breaker. Especially the nipples. She has awesome nipples.
Tony Montana
2/16/2015 02:28:11 am
How do you know that she has awesome nipples?
2/16/2015 02:30:40 am
Because I've seen the Snob movie.
Big Poppa Pump
12/10/2014 02:18:55 pm
the reviewers kinda sucks and really makes me miss 80s Dan
12/10/2014 04:11:50 pm
Don't watch it and wait until he's done with season one of the show and shot on shitteo?
HBK's Lost Smile
12/10/2014 06:45:16 pm
the problem with the Reviewers is that it's not very funny and tries too hard to build characters that are pretty sad but not in a funny way
Moderator J
12/11/2014 03:12:39 am
@HBK Well, comedy is subjective, so not everyone is going to like it; but also, you're the same person as Big Poppa Pump.
12/11/2014 05:14:36 am
@HBK, Some people still enjoy it, like what Moderator J said comedy, or pretty much everything, is subjective. If you don't like The Reviewers state why you don't like it in a nice way, stop watching it, and wait until Brad does something you enjoy. The guy does so many shows that i'm sure he has a split of fans who don't like certain shows vs fans who do enjoy the show.
Benoit's Weightbench
12/15/2014 09:34:28 pm
@ModeratorJ oh no I'm not trying to pretend to be other people who agree with me. I just don't really have a name I want to stick with
12/11/2014 01:52:16 pm
Brad can't please everybody all the time. I too miss 80s Dan. It was definitely my favorite show to watch. But man it's a pain scheduling wise. It really depends on getting everybody in the same room and as we get older and have different responsibilities it gets harder to do that. The reviewers is easier. And we have a damn good time making it. But I assure you there are plans for 80s Dan. And a lot of other stuff soon too. If all goes to plan there's gonna be a uptick in production around these parts soon. Hold tight buddy.
Beato Porco
12/12/2014 09:01:28 am
The reviewers is ok but I would watch a show about the rickhead all day every day
12/10/2014 04:34:49 pm
I'm betting Caroline's twin sister took in a time traveller and his robot friend. The inevitable Saint Elsewhereverse-style ties just permeate the site further.
12/10/2014 09:05:39 pm
Andy being unaware of the existence of C.Thomas Howell is fucking fantastic. He chose the stupidest name by sheer happenstance.
12/12/2014 04:45:50 pm
That joke was golden
12/10/2014 10:06:47 pm
I hope this builds to a plotline where Andy creates an elaborate scheme to take down the Rickhead during the Magfest Nerf War.
Das Kino Snob
12/10/2014 10:25:06 pm
I like The Reviewers fine, but yeah I miss 80's Dan too. Especially around christmas time, when I get that warm feeling of nostalgia about midget hookers and cocain.
Tony Montana
2/16/2015 02:31:41 am
Just listen to Randy Newman's "Short People" and Eric Clapton's "Cocaine."
Das Kino Snob
12/10/2014 10:39:06 pm
Also, does anybody know when Shot On Shiteo will be out. I thought they were almost done with the first two segments about a year ago. I know it takes time to make a movie, but as a regular viewer on the site I know how fast Brad cranks out material, so I was just wondering if it is stuck in development-hell.
12/10/2014 10:46:04 pm
they had to postpone filming a segment for an entire year because it had to be shot in winter and last year's winter was fucking horrible. this is why Brad had to shave his head again
Das Kino Snob
12/11/2014 03:16:49 am
Oh thanks, I thought he just really liked the whole shaved head look. As a fellow "shaver" I can admit, that a person gets used to comfort of not having to worry about the fuzz-on-top.
12/10/2014 10:57:23 pm
I know Brad is probably not trying to tug at peoples heart strings or make a really deep show or whatever, this is just to make people laugh. But man that whole segment of Sara telling Brian to dial back his dreams and focus on essentially living, hit WAAAAAAY to close to home. I have had this conversation with countless friends who are in their mid 20's and just frustrated to hell that they are not a big name yet. Its stuff like art and design and not internet reviewing, but same thing the lack of success or the small amount of it is not enough for their expectations and it makes them really pissed and depressed about everything and in turn makes them self destructive. Don't know why people want fame over the fact that they are at least doing something they like and making money than working a 9-5 at a desk.
12/11/2014 12:05:08 am
I can't believe that was spoony doing the mr. plinkett impersonation. it was spot on. I kind of thought for a second there you got Mike to make an appearance or something.
12/11/2014 12:48:28 am
Love the Red Letter Media spoof. Sarah was the best part of this video.
Dewey Manlove
12/11/2014 03:55:35 am
This show confuses me. The actors teeth are British, but their accents are American?
12/11/2014 04:07:22 am
Cool episode, I always like these. But I do miss the random critics that popped up.
12/11/2014 04:24:35 am
Spoony pops up in this as a Plinket parody.
12/11/2014 04:45:55 am
I more meant the actual other critics, but I guess it's cool if they remain one scene wonders.
12/11/2014 06:52:48 am
Wow! That is terrible. Old Ralphie Oancitizen is truly a thin-skinned, sad sack of crap. I have lost all respect for him. A total sham.
12/12/2014 07:41:29 am
Ah, I see you guys are some of these people who think gratuitous insults, slander and defamatory comments count as "parody". and I'm sure the part where that account and several others encouraged harassment (not just of Kyle either) and frankly stalkerish behaviour is all part of the hilarious parody.
12/12/2014 08:07:46 am
@SnakeBite "gratuitous insults, slander and defamatory comments," oh you mean like how Kyle slut shamed women in his videos and harassed Mantis on twitter; or frequently puts down and insults his co-workers for doing comedy? Yeah, I feel so sorry for him.
12/12/2014 08:12:40 am
A parody twitter account that never tweeted to Kyle or had any interaction with him = stalkerish behavior? All the account did was poke fun at his pissy little tweets, which Kyle most certainly is NOT above.
12/13/2014 07:27:55 am
I never saw any encouragement of harassment, much like Fake Josh it mirrored some of his posts, called out his asshole behaviors, and also made a hyper version of his persona, never did it actually, say, call people and tell them to email him or give out his address or message him directly even.
Crazy R
12/15/2014 10:13:40 am
"...slander? well no because those accusations weren't false..."
Derek Shire
12/15/2014 12:47:24 pm
And the Fake Josh account goes on and on about brewskis and "ass pickles," doesn't mean it's saying "the real Josh Hadley likes brewskis and ass pickles!" It openly says that it's parody and a fake character, and not real. It was just taking to an extreme Kyle's rather unseemly experiences with women online; and it only ever referred to ITSELF in the tweets, and not the real Kyle Kallgren. That's not slander. If it openly said "the real kyle has sex with animals," that would be a problem, but it never did that.
Travis Bickle
12/11/2014 05:21:50 am
Another great episode. I literally burst out laughing at the "You can't spell dream without me" line. That's a perfect line for Brian to deliver. And thanks for including Rickhead. I would feel cheated if he wasn't in an episode.
12/11/2014 05:52:02 am
I really can't say enough good about this show. It's well written, well acted, funny and has a genuinely interesting story and characters. We need more web shows that are proper fictions like this.
12/11/2014 07:02:47 am
Not to needlessly stir the pot, but is this inspired partly by Spoony and a certain auburn-haired person whom I have chosen to leave nameless?
12/11/2014 07:45:35 am
Nope. Episodes of this show are usually inspired from something, but this isn't one of them.
12/12/2014 07:13:01 am
Why are people so desperate to make "Brad Jones and Kyle Kallgren hate each-other" a thing?
12/12/2014 12:03:44 pm
I don't know what Kyle had to do with that comment, I thought I.Y. was referring to Spoony and Allison.
Daemian Lucifer
12/12/2014 05:52:41 pm
Spoony fucked Allison?When did that happen?Was that why Phelous got so mad?Because of the cheating?
12/13/2014 05:07:47 pm
Dude... he was talking about the debacle with spoony and his ex... Kyle's hair isn't even auburn
12/11/2014 07:05:26 am
Wow, every time I see a video with jillian in it I forget just how fantastic of an actor she is. Really, seriously, here in Demo Reel as well was absolutely fantastic, with that scene where she was shaking with how much she didn't want to do it really standing out.
12/11/2014 08:03:55 am
I'm confused!!
Monster Khan
12/11/2014 04:10:35 pm
Awesome show Brad! Love the Reviewers! Hey, I wanna know when you're gonna do a scene with the Christopher Nolan shot where two characters are having an intense conversation and the camera continuously circles round them 360 degrees as the conversation escalates! I think that would be so cool to see in a Reviewers episode. Keep up the great work!
12/11/2014 04:18:31 pm
Jillian can pull off a pretty evil looking smile.
12/11/2014 06:55:00 pm
So does this mean we hate Red Letter Media or like Red Letter Media? I'm so confused i need a pizza roll
12/12/2014 02:43:24 am
You'll get one, since you left a comment on this webzone.
12/12/2014 04:51:59 pm
So, it is just me, or the acting is getting... better? Barring some timing issues, it seems like everyone has upped their game and that's awesome!
12/13/2014 03:56:14 pm
God I love this show. And you can add me to the list of people who loved the shot of Michelle's reaction to the line about not spelling "dream" without "me." Sarah's facial expression was absolute perfection!
12/14/2014 07:55:06 am
This show is okay, but I really hope it isn't the reason why Brad doesn't make 80's Dan episodes anymore.
Rory Richards
1/31/2015 12:40:14 pm
This is such a goldmine of a show. I wonder...if a studio came knocking with a dumptruck full of money and a contract...would Brad sell the show and characters? Because honestly, with little upgrades to the production value, I can easily see this show on a channel like FX. Heck, the only comedy show I look more forward to than the Reviewers these days is Archer. Not even IASIP. Most else just sucks or feels redundant. Team Snob should really create a 24 episode season pack, pitch it, and I'm sure they'll get enough money to produce more shows.
3/27/2015 09:47:27 am
I've wondered that myself but I think the problem is the topic of "internet reviewers" is probably still a /little/ too obscure for the mainstream.
2/15/2015 07:19:46 am
Are we talking "The Entity" as in MissingNo. turned into an outer god from Atop the Fourth Wall, or as in some other monster I have not heard of?
2/18/2015 08:17:09 am
We Need more of These.
3/27/2015 09:53:19 am
Took me a little time to come around to this show (watching the 3rd episode first didn't help) but I really love it. I've been very, very impressed with everyone's acting chops (Bryan's has really improved from 'Hooker with a Heart of Gold'.. really solid stuff mate!) and the concept is so fucking clever- a show about bloody internet reviewers, of all things!
4/14/2015 01:05:21 pm
So I guess this show is done.
4/14/2015 01:13:21 pm
Nope. The finale has simply been rewritten to take out the Jeff character and introduce in a new character played by Ryan. The finale will be shot at the beginning of May.
4/14/2015 10:33:15 pm
Ah, cool. Looking forward to it! 3/25/2022 06:20:49 am
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About:"The Reviewers" is a new show written and directed by Brad Jones. Andy (Brian Lewis) and Jeff (Jake Norvell) are two down on their luck roommates who decide their best possible career choice is to be Internet Reviewers. Only problem is, they're broke, have no skills, and have no fans. The pilot episode was a featured short as part of "The Uncanny Valley" - The 5th Anniversary movie from Archives
December 2014