A stirring portrayal of teenage conflict over music!!
2/21/2014 04:32:47 pm
I LOVE this episode. Mostly because of how well Brad manages to point out the many, many issues while not actually bashing Christianity. The fact is, I used to be a kid just like Jeff and thankfully, I recovered. So maybe Jeff didn't hang himself Brad--by the way, I think Lloyd has some of the best timing I have ever seen in anyone, cat or human.
9/20/2023 08:00:03 am
"Rock: It's Your Decision" has gained a cult following over the years, largely because of its unintentional humor and extreme depiction of the dangers of rock music. It has been featured on the internet series "DVD-R Hell," where the host, Brad Jones, reviews and comments on obscure and often low-quality films.
This does seem more depressing to sit through than those two other films you saw, at least with Salo and a Serbian Film they were depressing and hard to watch to be considered "Art" (does air quotes). This was meant to change people's lives in the same way as the character of Jeff in the film. P.S. thank you for being an ally to the gay community, Brad. :)
2/25/2014 05:36:42 pm
Ally might be a strong word. Maybe friend or 'not-enemy'? I don't agree or disagree with the gay community--I can take it or leave it. However, I CAN say that using homosexuality in a manner that is essentially a scare tactic is wrong. I don't know what Brad means here, and maybe he IS a supporter of the gay community, but people can be indifferent to the thing, but still acknowledge its wrong.
2/27/2014 07:45:22 am
Well his mom is gay, so I think Brad would be a supporter of the gay community
3/3/2014 06:38:48 am
Well I'm glad you don't want to pick a fight, thank you. :) But I stick with the word "Ally." it does mean to join yourself with another group in order to give support, but that doesn't mean Brad is any less of a man for giving support like that or he loses his heterosexuality for being supportive. If anything, I think the term "Gay friendly," is what we can both agree on. :) - Thanks for your respectful response.
Andre R.
3/7/2014 02:45:26 pm
Brad, when you said a song mentioned in this was about death and not the Devil, it got me to thinking. According to Judeo-Christian belief the "Devil" or "Satan" (or all the other names he uses) is the opposite of God and rules over "Hell", the opposite of Heaven. And they do NOT like each other, to say the least. As for Death, I'm a comic book geek and I usually think of Death (or the "Grim Reaper") as a tall cloaked skelteton who sometimes carries a scyth. In Marvel Comics, Death is one of the many abstract entities who exists in the multiverse, and in the primary 616 universe also assumes a female form. And in the MU, there is no one being who identifies as the "Devil", either. There are numerous demons like Lucifer, Mephisto, and Satannish who rule over "realms of Hell", but none of them identify as the "Devil" of traditional Judeo-Christain belief.
3/31/2014 09:09:33 am
Actually, Christianity doesn't hold the devil to be God's "opposite" or to rule in hell; this is mostly folk-belief and religious pop culture that draws a lot from the Divine Comedy (aka Dante's Inferno) and Milton's Paradise Lost.
3/31/2014 09:12:44 am
I'm not religious, by the way, in case someone assumed I had a revisionist agenda in the previous post. :P
8/13/2014 02:15:26 pm
Ben is absolutely right. The bible never really mentions Satan (devil) or hell. The snake in the garden of Eden (commonly known to be Staten) is actually just called deceiver in Hebrew and has been translated into the word Satan when the bible was first changed to Latin. There is no mention of hell, only a pit where "Lucifer" lives, who is often described as a deceiver but nothing more, which has sometimes been changed Satan or devil.
8/13/2014 02:23:38 pm
Oh, I should specify that its about 15-18% of churches that teach the devil isn't real, not people who believe he isn't. That number is probably way higher.
10/7/2014 10:13:36 am
I generally agree with Ben on many of the points here and elsewhere. Thought thought maybe a little tweaking, as well as addressing an over-looked point in Andre R' comment.
5/5/2015 08:08:25 am
The Castlevania example is because it was made by the Japanese.
3/19/2014 01:51:53 am
So, the makers of "Rock: It's your decision" haven't heard of White Metal?
5/22/2014 04:08:33 am
can't tell if troll or really stupid...
3/25/2015 07:18:01 am
The only black metal album that would have been out in 1982 would be Venom's second album. Scandinavia didn't really get started until the mid 1980s, and I doubt they would have had any wide release at that time.
3/28/2014 06:57:04 pm
I know it's rather missing the point, but Jeff would've hanged himself.
4/21/2014 07:41:58 am
The music featured in this reminds me of what Hank Hill said about Christian Rock: You're not making God sound good, you're making rock music sound bad.
8/13/2015 02:15:07 am
you have to share your sex, drugs and rock with WBC.
4/26/2014 08:22:37 pm
WOW, if you change the camera aesthetic and the mood and lengh of the film then this could be an adaptation of the Nine Inch Nails album The Downward Spiral. All Jeff would need to do at the end of the film is attempt to kill himself and then it could be the next best rock opera adaptation since The Wall
4/26/2014 08:24:48 pm
By the way, Do take the "Attempt to kill himself" part the wrong way. I was merely referring to the ending track of the album.
6/23/2014 08:47:36 am
Hey Brad,
LAV-Type G
7/22/2014 09:22:04 am
Finally saw this, and I have one thing to say. "Oh, he said "Rock: It", not "Rocket"! I just mean every time Brad talks about this video, he rushes together the first two words so fast it sounds like it's saying "Rockets your decision", which conjures up some bizarre self-help seminar.
8/17/2014 08:02:21 am
I'm actually somewhat convinced that this IS a propaganda film in reverse like you said.
9/23/2014 05:25:13 am
Whean he discover heavy metal his head will explode. I wanna punch these pepole in the face
12/18/2014 07:31:06 am
I'm going to do the unpopular thing and defend this film.
11/28/2017 07:52:56 am
" you don't have to believe Satan is behind it all to understand why many people would be against Rock" THey are morons. Complete and total morons.
3/3/2015 04:20:54 pm
This just makes me miss when kids still listened to rock music.
3/18/2015 08:20:00 pm
Easily one of the best reviews Brad's ever done.
4/6/2015 12:33:52 am
This is the worst remake of The Manchurian Candidate I have ever seen.
5/5/2015 08:42:27 am
Congratulations, you posted the only comment to this review that actually made me laugh.
Annoyed Robot
8/17/2015 06:21:46 am
I've got the perfect tagline for this film: "Rock: It's Your Decision, but if you choose Rock, we're going to take away your right to have a choice."
Fab the Adventurer
10/30/2015 11:18:28 am
I just can't help Brad's comment that this is reverse propaganda to detract religious people from their religion or make them seen like brainwashed dumbasses who really just want to find ways to judge people. I do know people who think like that of religious people. I just find it impossible for people to be sooo unsuccessful at getting their point across. What you guys think?
11/7/2015 07:30:23 pm
The way you react to the guy calling out homosexuals at the end is exactly how I feel about people who use the expression "raped my childhood", because I've known people who were molested as children.
Michael AR
2/1/2016 08:16:29 pm
Goddamn. That was terrible. I wonder what happened to the actors that were in this. I wonder if the guy that played Jeff, if his career was in any way affected negatively by being in this completely inaccurate and really stupid piece of shit. Well, if life were fair, it most certainly would have been, and he would have never gotten any more work and would have probably OD'ed in an alley at some point. Christ, the ignorance and lack of reality in this really pissed me off. (the Lloyd cameo at the end made me smile, though.)
3/28/2016 11:35:35 am
Well, I listened to a lot of black metal in my youth, that is REAL satanic music (well, sort of...) and I turned up just fine. Point is, if you are a stupid idiot, then you are a stupid idiot, no amuont of music can change that either way.
8/20/2016 06:47:53 pm
Speaking of musicians and homosexuality, what would Fred think about the Japanese electropop duo access because they do pretty homoerotic stuff?
1/10/2017 11:32:00 am
Jeff reminds me of Trumptards who boycott anything anti Trump and pro liberal. What a weenie snowflake. He needs his AR White safe space.
10/14/2017 03:54:12 pm
"Rock N Roll bad. Rock N Roll steal your soul!" - Granny; Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, 2006
3/21/2019 03:28:17 pm
When I read the title, I thought it was going to be about crack.
4/19/2023 12:46:14 am
عند اختيار قطع الأثاث المُناسبة وقبل البدء بتصميم القطع وتنسيق مواقعها يُفضّل اختيار نمط تصميمي موحد لكافة أرجاء المنزل، بحيث يكون الأثاث في كلّ غرفة أو منطقة متناسقة مع باقي الغرف والمناطق في المنزل، إذ يُفضّل أن يكون كامل أثاث المنزل بكلّ غرفه على النمط الكلاسيكي أو النمط الحديث على سبيل المثال، ممّا يجعل التصميم مُريح للرؤية، ولا يشعر الشخص بالفوضى من كثرة أنماط التصميم، كما أنّ ذلك يُتيح نقل قطع الأثاث من مكان إلى آخر، أي يُمكن استخدام قطع أثاث غرفة المعيشة في غُرفة النوم.
7/7/2023 02:12:55 am
I just watched this incredibly great video for the first time, and it features a lot of fascinating anecdotes.
3/25/2024 01:45:34 am
Regarding musicians and homosexuality, Fred could feel differently about the Japanese electropop duo Access, who produce a lot of homoerotic music.
6/23/2024 02:32:09 am
To describe all parts of the article, the author employs simple language and facts. I'm looking forward to the next essay.
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DVD-R HellIn this series, Brad spotlights & reviews some of the weirder titles from his collection, that don't necessarily fall into any specific categories. Archives
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