Because the most original movie of the year deserves the most "original" review of the year!
3/3/2014 10:43:02 am
I love this "review". Anyone who doesn't get the joke would be utterly confused.
Sarah Luna
3/7/2014 05:49:32 pm
Yeah I really don't get it.
10/26/2014 02:06:25 pm
7 months late, but maybe you'll see it eventually...
pete smith
3/27/2015 03:12:35 pm
It's not old movie but it sucks so much cock it deserves to be in dvd-r hell.
Vladislav Kukakov
3/11/2014 08:14:03 pm
I let this DVR Hell slip by me somehow, and since all the comments have been erased, might as well throw a pointless obvious one out. That was brilliant Brad. I was trying to digest all the fluff and pretense from what you were saying, and noticed drastic shifts in tone and subject matter, but I really had no idea it was a hodge-podge of reviews until the very end.
3/23/2014 06:25:47 am
brilliant! lol
6/8/2014 10:53:29 am
The Irate Gamer shirt was inspired, just ties everything together.
7/6/2023 05:49:05 am
بالإضافة إلى مهمته الرئيسية ، وهي إزالة الرطوبة من الهواء ، وامتصاصها للتخلص منها لاحقا ، وخفض درجة الحرارة في الغرفة ، فإن مكيف الهواء يوفر منفذا للروائح من النظام ، لأنه ينتج الأمونيا والأحماض الدهنية المتطايرة ، وبالتالي يتم إطلاقه في نظام التدفئة والتهوية وتكييف الهواء بشكل كثيف ، وهذا يسبب روائح كريهة.
12/27/2023 01:32:04 am
Please tell me how I may be notified whenever there is a new post.
12/27/2024 12:44:16 am
Geometry Dash Lite, Meltdown, SubZero, and Geometry Dash World each bring fresh new levels.
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DVD-R HellIn this series, Brad spotlights & reviews some of the weirder titles from his collection, that don't necessarily fall into any specific categories. Archives
February 2021