Don't remember the sitcom starring Hitler and Eva Braun? Maybe because it only aired once and was immediately canceled.
Andre R.
3/5/2014 02:39:34 pm
It's interesting that you mention Norman Lear and his "fever dreams", Brad. Have you ever heard of the 1977 sitcom "All That Glitters"? Here's what Wikipedia said about it:
Andre R.
3/19/2014 05:14:56 am
Oh, and there was one other show in TV history that was discontinued partway throughout it's first broadcast besides "Turn-On". Australia's Naughtiest Home Videos was a one-off special which was a spin-off from Australia's Funniest Home Video Show and was hosted by Doug Mulray. The show followed the same structure of Australia's Funniest Home Video Show, in which the videos were shown in short blocks, interspersed with humorous monologues by Mulray, who wrote all of them himself. Mulray often poked fun at the content of the videos, which he described as "The most sensational collection of home videos since Rodney King nicked out for a pizza recently." Mulray also did humorous voice overs as the videos were shown, similar to Lisa Patrick's on Australia's Funniest Home Video Show.
Andre R.
3/19/2014 05:19:50 am
Sorry for the multiple posts. Please, whoever is in charge of this, get rid of the extra ones, thanks,
that person
3/22/2014 10:06:02 pm
For thoose who are curious, the program prior to this is the sitcom "Dad's army".
4/21/2014 07:33:17 am
Yep and that series was even less funny than this Hitler sit-com,,,but that stayed on the air for several series.
4/14/2016 08:55:37 am
On the contrary! Dad's Army was superb, a British cult classic! And it's in better taste too!
8/7/2014 09:14:46 am
Really, the Bob Hitler line was the only genuinely funny joke in this pilot. The rest was downright insufferable, even for a World War II buff like myself.
5/5/2015 08:01:43 am
It probably helps that it's a joke that's completely independent of the series' subject. You could use it in pretty much ANY comedy and it would fit just fine.
Jason S.
3/24/2015 12:39:42 pm
I'm pretty sure Bubsy & Battletoads were also cancelled after just 1 episode. but as bad as Bubsy is or as forgettable as Battletoads' pilot is (which isn't really that bad if you think about it and is more tolerable than some cartoons now a days), it's no where near as bad as this.
9/19/2015 05:21:03 pm
Lemmee guess ..... you got this from Irving right? :D
Don't Mind Me Now
5/9/2016 05:04:37 pm
Hey Brad, if you get the chance you should check out "Look Who's Back" on Netflix. It's a German dark comedy where Hitler suddenly materializes in modern day Berlin and, mistaken for a talented impersonator, becomes a media sensation. It does a great job putting the idea of Hitler in a modern context, and is actually quite unnerving because a lot of it was filmed Borat-style, with "Hitler" talking to real Germans and finding that the sentiments that led to Hitler's original rise to power is still very much alive. It understands the weight of dealing with Hitler in a comedic context far better than this inept piece of WTF-Television!.
12/27/2016 08:23:53 am
The sitcom at the beginning is "Dad's Army".
4/19/2023 12:42:38 am
عندما تقوم بتعيين شركة الامان ، فأنت بذلك توظف محترفًا. تتمثل إحدى علامات خدمة التنظيف الاحترافية في شركة الامان فحيث انها تقوم بتنظيف منزلك مع وضع خطة لعب في الاعتبار. استراتيجية تتولى التنظيف بطريقة منظمة.
9/6/2024 01:01:09 am
Please do a DVD R Hell review of The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer Next
10/18/2024 04:27:54 am
The content of the videos included shots of animal genitalia, humans or animals humorously engaging in sexual intercourse, people who get accidentally and humorously disrobed, and other situations that often relied on gross-out humour, including a child grabbing a kangaroo's testicles, a man lifting a barbell with his penis, a man getting his head squeezed between an erotic dancer's large breasts, an elderly woman removing an envelope from a stripper's undergarments with her dentures, two people running into water with flaming pieces of toilet paper hanging from their buttocks, and two people filmed having sex in the middle of a park.
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DVD-R HellIn this series, Brad spotlights & reviews some of the weirder titles from his collection, that don't necessarily fall into any specific categories. Archives
February 2021