Smurfs, My Little Pony, Star Wars, Transformers. Nothing is safe from Gary and Phil's wrath!
4/8/2014 06:05:55 pm
I bed these guys lost their minds when Demon's Souls or the Dark Souls games came out like Fox News did. I remember playing with bb guns as a kid. All it did was make me get real ones when I got older. I doubt ET is what made me gay. Gotta blame that one on Top Gun.
9/21/2015 02:07:22 pm
I doubt they even got THAT far..... I'm betting the WoD's 'Vampire' RPG put these fuck-wits in a coma!. ;)
6/19/2014 02:23:50 pm
This kind of stuff makes me too irritated to even enjoy someone skewering it. The only comfort I can take is that the lacquer in that one guy's hair is magnificent and beautiful to look at.
7/31/2014 10:52:14 pm
The "reference to homosexuality" in ET was "penis-breath." So these douches were kinda right, but not like they were presenting. Typical crap from propaganda assholes, whether it be Ken Hamm or Paul Kurtz.
Isabella M.
3/30/2018 04:00:40 pm
I wonder: What would these guys react to yuri anime like YuruYuri?
9/18/2014 11:55:44 am
They're paranoid and crazy, but they were eerily correct. We're even less religious than our new age thinking parents' generation who made all these cartoons for us. Instead of becoming occultists of Satan, we became rampant consumers in many cults of fandoms.
1/30/2015 10:38:21 am
With the whole, "Russia is upset with our kids being more militaristicly minded." thing you could just say, "Yeah, that would be because they think they could go to war with us soon, and if the kids and teens are totally into the whole army thing they are more likely to join the army when we are at war."
Henry Kunze
6/24/2015 01:03:49 pm
Best thumbnail ever. Looks like his she-ra face!
8/28/2015 03:55:51 pm
Aw, at the moment I tried to watch it, the video fails saying:
11/6/2015 11:04:53 am
HOOOOO boy, was this something! I am a life-long, devoted Christian, and THESE PEOPLE ARE INSANE. Yeah, I believe in the occult and its dangers and all of that, but there's a clear-cut difference between reality and fantasy. I play games like Final Fantasy and the Tales series all the time and they're rife with all kinds of magic, but it's all *FANTASY*. Just like in He-Man (which is, by the way, an AMAZINGLY cheese-tastic show that I love very much!). Look, I think these people are sincere, and that parents should keep an eye on things their kids are into, but you've got to know the difference between fantasy and reality. I know a little bit about the occult, and none of it matches up with He-Man or their other examples very much, if at all.
12/7/2015 08:54:19 am
lol oh how i luv these dvd-r-hell episodes. specially the ones where your calling out the bullshit from bigoted insane dickheads like gary & phil.
Prossor Kobras
1/8/2016 06:46:44 pm
You ended this video with The Touch. This is officially the most awesome video of yours that I've ever seen.
Kevin Striker
11/14/2017 11:52:34 pm
7/6/2023 02:00:19 am
عملية تنظيف غطاء المحرك ليست معقدة إذا أصبحت عادة يومية أو أسبوعية ، ومع ذلك ، عند اختيار نوع عامل التنظيف المستخدم ، يجب أن يؤخذ في الاعتبار أنه يجب أن يكون مناسبا للمواد التي صنع منها غطاء المحرك. يجب أولا اختبار المنظف على مساحة صغيرة للتأكد من أنه لا يسبب ضررا أو يشوه المظهر. الإجراء لتنظيف غطاء محرك السيارة على النحو التالي. بادئ ذي بدء ، تحتاج إلى التأكد من أن الموقد خال من أدوات المطبخ ، وفصل التيار عن غطاء المحرك. للحفاظ على السلامة العامة. قم بتنظيف الشفاط من الخارج عن طريق مسحه بمنشفة مبللة بمزيج من الماء الدافئ والصابون لإزالة الأوساخ والغبار المتراكم ، ثم امسحه تماما بمنشفة جافة يمكن رش المنظفات الخاصة المشتراة في السوق على السطح الخارجي ، مع ترك أثر صغير ، ثم امسحه بمنشفة نظيفة وجفف جيدا للتأكد من إزالة جميع آثار المنظفات. قبل الاستخدام ، تأكد من إزالة جميع آثار المنظفات. قبل الاستخدام ، اتبع التعليمات والإرشادات الموجودة على صندو
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DVD-R HellIn this series, Brad spotlights & reviews some of the weirder titles from his collection, that don't necessarily fall into any specific categories. Archives
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