Did you know that Satan is living in your toy box and in your Saturday morning cartoons? Well, the stars of the religious scare film "Deception of a Generation" knew.
3/1/2014 08:05:05 pm
It's because of this video that whenever my friend and I do stupid voices, the characters are immediately named named Gary and Phil.
Andre R.
3/8/2014 07:18:11 pm
What the hell is wrong with Phil's teeth and mouth? He can never not show his teeth for some reason and he can't ever seem to close his mouth all the way. What's up with that? And let's not get started on his goddamn shellaced helmet hair!
4/7/2014 08:48:31 pm
I don't know what's more sad. That these people are still doing this crap or that people are still buying into this crap.
4/22/2014 03:44:55 am
I love this kind of stuff.
6/1/2014 12:49:33 am
Every time I see the thumbnail image for this video, I can't help but see Gary with these really fucking crazy eyes, the kind of look like hes ready to skin someone, I can't be the only one who sees this.
7/8/2014 09:32:20 am
Phil remembers something that happened when he was two for the same reason Eric Freeman remembers something that happened when he was a baby.
Alex R.
12/24/2014 12:34:39 pm
24:35 Did they just call Jaga Lion-O's father. That was Claudus.
The Iron Weasel
1/5/2015 09:29:52 am
Can you imagine what happened when these two learned about the ending to Legend of Korra XD
2/10/2016 06:20:04 pm
I hated that ending but I would love to troll these jerks with it.
2/10/2016 06:22:28 pm
They would have had a fit if they saw either Avatar the Last Airbender or the Legend of Korra, even if the ending was different.
Davos Seaworth
4/16/2016 08:46:58 pm
Or Gargoyles for that matter. I could imagine them flipping their lids at the main plot threads in that.
The Black Widower
5/15/2016 05:55:42 pm
If these 2 guys hate commercials so much then why did they make 1 big commercial? Seriously, I really want that Snake Mountain.
Markus Nävergård
12/11/2016 11:42:59 am
Phil Phillips looks like a younger slighty brain damadged clone of Donald trump
6/10/2017 03:27:11 pm
So he's more reasonable than Donald Trump.
Lucky Striker
3/1/2017 08:14:21 pm
1/17/2018 08:03:18 am
Please Re-upload some of this stuff to Youtube, Vidme went down at the beginning of December and as such these videos can't be watched anymore. Alot of the dvd-r hell stuff isn't on your channel
Isabella M.
3/30/2018 03:57:43 pm
If these guys think that stuff like The Smurfs and Rainbow Brite are Satanic, then I imagine anime series such as Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and Shakugan no Shana would be snuff films to them!
7/6/2023 01:18:30 am
عملية تنظيف غطاء المحرك ليست معقدة إذا أصبحت عادة يومية أو أسبوعية ، ومع ذلك ، عند اختيار نوع عامل التنظيف المستخدم ، يجب أن يؤخذ في الاعتبار أنه يجب أن يكون مناسبا للمواد التي صنع منها غطاء المحرك. يجب أولا اختبار المنظف على مساحة صغيرة للتأكد من أنه لا يسبب ضررا أو يشوه المظهر. الإجراء لتنظيف غطاء محرك السيارة على النحو التالي. بادئ ذي بدء ، تحتاج إلى التأكد من أن الموقد خال من أدوات المطبخ ، وفصل التيار عن غطاء المحرك. للحفاظ على السلامة العامة. قم بتنظيف الشفاط من الخارج عن طريق مسحه بمنشفة مبللة بمزيج من الماء الدافئ والصابون لإزالة الأوساخ والغبار المتراكم ، ثم امسحه تماما بمنشفة جافة يمكن رش المنظفات الخاصة المشتراة في السوق على السطح الخارجي ، مع ترك أثر صغير ، ثم امسحه بمنشفة نظيفة وجفف جيدا للتأكد من إزالة جميع آثار المنظفات. قبل الاستخدام ، تأكد من إزالة جميع آثار المنظفات. قبل الاستخدام ، اتبع التعليمات والإرشادات الموجودة على صندو
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DVD-R HellIn this series, Brad spotlights & reviews some of the weirder titles from his collection, that don't necessarily fall into any specific categories. Archives
February 2021