In 1980, we may have boycotted the games, but there was still "Animalympics."
3/26/2014 03:26:33 pm
Your cat at 11:38 was so cute what's his name unless he's dead from oldness then I'm sorry
4/6/2014 11:25:26 am
That's Lloyd. He's very much alive. He's in about every four videos on the site.
4/6/2014 12:00:59 pm
He's very cute yay
7/27/2014 03:51:25 am
Thank you for the comments in the diving sequence. I laughed until it hurt and had to pause. You are awesome.
9/17/2014 06:14:50 pm
I love it when Lloyd looks around and wonders who the fuck Brad is talking to
4/3/2016 06:35:50 pm
I actually remember seeing this on TV when I was a kid. There have been many times that snippets of it come to mind but I could never remember what it was called or where I saw it. Thanks for featuring this and putting those questions to rest.
Axel Grease
6/6/2016 05:54:49 pm
Um, you're forgetting the fencing segment!
7/6/2023 03:04:19 am
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