Audiences seem split on the sci-fi epic, can Chris Stuckman and Cinema Snob determine if this is good or bad? They join the Nostalgia Critic to help review Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi.
In order to solve his best psychiatrist friend's murder, Bruce Willis inherits his life and, uh, steamy stuff happens?
Brad, Allison and Phelan team up to look at one of the most abysmally animated nightmares ever created by someone who isn't Dingo Pictures. But they're gonna need a little help from Harry Partridge!
Somewhere in the world, it's still December!
Dean Stockwell plays a half-Native American biker on the run, because society made them do it, man! And as a bonus, here's some deleted tangents from the RIOT and Loners episodes.
November 2019